Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Homemade kayaks at last

Today I began working on my new project, building the Greenland style Night Heron, an 18ft [5.5m] strip built sea kayak with a low back deck for easy rolling.The first step is to cut out all the forms and string them on a strongback to make the frame for building. Once this is done the stripping can get underway. Avital is also getting on with her Guillemot S, she has put on the sheerline and has begun stripping the hull. Here are a couple of photos of both of our projects. I have to have a hip replacement op in March and so have one month to get as much work done as possible .
See you on the water.


Silbs said...

Looks like the ad folks are cashing in on your need for surgery. I hope it goes well. Good like on the boat, as well. You will have something to look forward to after you rehab the hip.

Silbs said...

That sould have said good luck on the boat.