Its still dark at 6am but the call of the sea gets me out of bed, and even though I hear the sms beep signalling bad conditions and no kayaking I make my way to the beach.Hadas is sitting in the office reading a book and the wind is howling outside. We both decide that due to the strong wind kayaking today is not a good option and decide to go for a walk on the beach instead. Good decision, although its a bit cold and I forgot my hat so my ears got really cold and painful. Treasures get washed up on the shore and sometimes you get lucky and find nice things. First of all we found hundreds of aerosol containers washed up all along the shore, not a nice find,

but then we found this beautiful tiny bluebottle

and Hadas picked up numerous shells to add to her collection.

The tide was comming in and made a strong river flowing under the warf at Sdot Yam harbour.Back to the club for a warm drink and then home for the rest of the day. Hope you all have a good day and a good new year
rami tsadok said that the name of the jelly fish is PROPITA PROPITA.
Besst wishes for good health and happiness for the new year.
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