It made me wonder , who cleans up the forests? there seems to be a force of nature at work, stuff grows, then dies , leaves and things fall to the ground, pile up, decay and provide food for new growth. It is a self propagating system and everything grows in harmony. So why isn't my garden doing the same thing, why do I have to rake up the damn leaves and tidy up all the fallen undergrowth, why cant I just leave it to take care of itself.
I`d rather be paddling, out on the water, rolling in the waves or just watching the birds chasing the fish.
I discovered a lemon tree in a neglected corner and the pomelos look good too.
Maybe there is something to be said for looking after the garden after all.
On second thoughts, I`d still rather be paddling
Hey, you can tend my garden too. . . bring a snow shovel!
At least the snow covers everything and makes it look nice, and no thanks i`d rather go paddling.
yeah well, until spring when a whole winter's worth of dog doo needs to be raked up. . Ewwwww!
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