And now all that is left are memories and photos of a FANTASTIC week spent kayaking and camping on the Greek Island of Milos. 14 members of the Optimist Kayak Club flew to Milos, rented kayaks and spent the next 5 days in seakayak heaven. Day one , left Adamas, the main city on the Island and headed out of the bay. The weather looked unfriendly and by evening it was cold, windy and raining. The seas were choppy but the wind was behind us , so paddling was not a problem. Who would believe that there could be cold and rain on the Greek Islands. In my mind I had a picture of sunny skies, clear blue water and long white beaches, and reluctantly had packed a few winter clothes, just in case.Reality sets in real fast when you have to survive in the elements. We landed on a windswept beach and were debating what to do for the night.The options looked bleak and we were resigned to a long cold wet night, when as from heaven, an angel appeared with his 4 wheel drive van and after a hurried debate he began to transport us up to the monastery close by. By luck, or as some would say, in answer to a prayer, we had landed close to the monastery where a huge party had been planned for the night. They were expecting over 2000 people, had live music and tons of food and drink.

Due to the inclement weather, flooding roads and inaccesibility of the place we were the main guests, together with a handful of locals who had arrived earlier.We were given a room, and once we were dry and warm began to appreciate our good fortune. The music, food and warm atmosphere together with the local Ouzo and beer made for an unforgetable night. When we offered to pay for our lodging and transport, the response was "no money".

So we left a modest donation for the monastry and went on our merry way.
More about the trip later, meanwhile I have uploaded all my photos in a web album