Tuesday, August 19, 2008

fooling around on the water

Some people have a natural ability, they can pick up new stuff in the wink of an eye. Just describe what to do in the vaguest of terms, they say, ok and then go ahead and do it to the chagrin of the rest of us. Me now , it takes a long time and lots of practice before I manage to perfect something new, for example the balance brace continues to evade me and any new roll takes a season or two before any signs of success.Yosele on the other hand falls into the first catagory, and you can see him doing strange stuff with a Euro and a Greenland paddle. Hadas seems to get it quite fast as well.The sea conditions at the moment are conducive to any amount of nonsense, warm and flat and pleasant to be in. So we make hay while the sun shines. I am reminded of our luxurious conditions when I read blogs from the USA and Europe and they are already talking of the end of summer being in sight. What end? we can paddle all year round here, in fact our Symposium takes place in winter, so all you paddlers who have to stay indoors during the winter months are invited to join us.


Roy , On , Yosale said...

great steve!

Silbs said...

Wonderful video. The music reminded me of my daughters' weddings. Pure fun and joy!

Unknown said...

the music is from an Israeli group of 3 girls called Banot Nehama, which translates to Nehama`s daughters, or it can be read as the daughters of consolation. here there may be a play on words, who knows what they intended.