This last weekend we spent 2 days paddling round the
Sea of Galilee or the Kinerret as it is known here.

Knowing how to pack a kayak is an acquired skill as shown by Zohar, and this can make or break your trip.

The weather report in the morning was for strong westerly winds, and in fact as we started out the sea was waving about and the wind was gusting,making launching into the waves a bit of a challenge, albeit a little challenge.

Luckily for us the wind died down and the rest of the day was sunny and mild, perfect paddling conditions.
We paddled up the Jordan river where it enters the Kinerret, going against the stream is hard work, and after about 45 min to an hour we reached the bridge and turned downstream again.

One of the highpoints in a trip like this is the food breaks, everybody brings something and in the end its a huge feast, tea and coffee, alcohol and other surprises all make for a happy bunch of kayakers.

We arrived at kibbutz Ein Gev where we spent the night and next morning completed the trip finishing the day at about 3.30, just before sunset.

The sad thing is to see the huge loss of water, all the beaches are now much larger than they should be and the piers and moorings for the pleasure and fishing boats are all left high and dry.
We need tons and tons of rain to fill this lake, hopefully we will get some in the near future otherwise we are in for a real tough time.

It`s always nice to have a change of paddling scenery, and the conditions on the lake are different to that of the sea.

Personally I like the challenge of the sea with the tides and currents and the surf, and were in for a large storm in the next few days, according to
Karel its going to be 8 on the Beaufort scale so probably no paddling this week